Tuesday 25 August 2009

i'm gonna make it mine.

i got my results...BCDE.
let's not talk about that though!

i went to Brighton today (:
and i realised something.
or more, i've pictured myself somewhere other than here in London.

i know it sounds...pathetic.
i think i'd like to go to a university by the coast. provided i get the grades of course.
i'd like to live by the sea...there's something about it..
it seems so appealing, and i have to admit, i do love the sea..even if i can't swim! xD

maybe i'll just stay there, too. city life gets boring quite quickly.
silly me for not taking any pictures today >_<

"and i, i had a feeling that i belonged. and i, i had a feeling i could be someone."

Wednesday 19 August 2009

dancing is my remedy.

i'm terrified.
genuinely terrified.

it's results day tomorrow.
i feel like hiding under a rock.
a massive boulder, preferably.

i am quite liking Yasmin's 'we'll hide in a cave with a bear' option though;;
which has now been named 'operation CUDDLE'. this girl's a genius (:

at this point in time, i'm slightly confused..why the sudden change of heart?
for the last week or so, you didn't speak to me at all, and when i tried to talk to you..it seemed like you just couldn't be bothered with me.
don't get me wrong, i 'm glad you're talking to me..even if it is just 'how are you?'

it seems so stupid. it IS so stupid. why am i wasting my time on you?

there are so many questions that i need answering. and i'll bet you can't even answer one of them.
oh, but i miss you.

"yeah you can try but i find the antidote, music is the cure."

Tuesday 18 August 2009

i am a meerkat (:

i'm amazzeedd!
i'm actually awake, and it's 10am;; go me! haha xD

going out in about an hour or so to see a film with Anitaz and Hannah (:
should be a good dayy ^_^


i'm feeling quite nervous about results on Thursday though..
like, makes you want to hurl kinda nervous.
meeting Leanne in the morning though;; so we're gonna freak out all the way to school!
good luck to anyone who might be near us, you'll be getting an earful of:


in other words: stay away from any chinese girls looking quite stressed.

Wednesday 12 August 2009

hello, Piano!

i'm trying my hand at my piano again.
unsuccessfully, might i add.

but i do love this song, and i want to try and learn to play it~

[Yiruma - River Flows In You]

i wish i could play like that..>_<
we'll see how far i get with my youtube tutorials xD
i don't think it helps that my piano is extremely out of tune either.
but i love it all the same;; ♥

[hahahaa, i look so grumpy...and stupid! (:]

Tuesday 11 August 2009

ahhh, so cute ah!

i went with Leanne to New Malden todayyy;;
she got a haircut. it's so cute!

eee!! (: ♥

don't really have much to blog about today...
Leanne sent me this link yesterday, and it actually made me smile..
it's so cute! ~i don't think that's the right term for it...but hey!

i think you should check it out, and spread the word.

[just because we're too cool....hahha xD]

Monday 10 August 2009

this could become a habit.

another 3am post?

this'll get boring after a while.
give me a day, i'll go back to blogging at normal hours of the day. maybe.

i've been at my cousin's house all day...and staying the night.
it beats staying at home. especially when it's the last place you want to be.

i find it odd that i prefer to be here though. i thought it would make me feel worse.

it's a funny thing, life.
throws all sorts of crap at you.

i imagine i'm not the best company at the moment. my apologies to you;;

Sunday 9 August 2009

i can't sleep tonight.

it's just one of those nights.
i'm sitting in my bed, completely in the dark...i can just barely make out my keyboard from the light from my screen.
i think i've been here one too many times now.

i'm not really in the mood. but hey..there's not much else i can do at 3 something in the morning.

i did feel up for a walk.
i have those moments. when it's so quiet out in the street;; it's quite peaceful, dark and there's no one else about.

i wouldn't dare though - as Leanne knows of my fear for the trees on my street;; i know you're laughing right now.
that and my parents would probably shoot me and throw me down a well. or something like that.

btw. 麗瑛:
thank you. i owe you my life.
you never fail to make me smile, even when all i want to do is curl up in a ball and cry my eyes out.
tonight wouldn't have been so bearable if you hadn't been there.
i don't know what i would do without you.
i hope you know i'd do the same for you too.
我愛你~ <3

& to you. the reason i'm sat here now, writing this:
i don't want to waste my tears over you. but i just can't help it.
it looks like i fell too fast. and i feel like a fool.

"so tonight i'll sit and pick apart your pictures and overanalyse your words."